Cooperative Living is…
Williamsburg Towne Houses Cooperative is a not-for profit corporation. The Membership Certificate represents one share of stock. The ‘Certificate of Stock’ (Membership Certificate) entitles the member to live within a specific unit. The Cooperative transfers the membership certificate from the outgoing member to the incoming member for the designated resale fee set by seller.
When you are a member, you own one share of stock in the corporation and this entitles you to one vote in deciding issues facing the Cooperative, as well as to live in a unit and participate in the Board Meetings.
The members combined monthly carrying charges are used to operate the corporation. Each member is entitled to their proportionate share of ‘Real Estate Taxes’, which is deductible on your income taxes each year when filing the long form.
While the maintenance of the buildings exterior, hot water heaters, plumbing and wiring are Williamsburg’s responsibility, our members are free to individually redecorate their units to compliment their personal tastes and lifestyles. All improvements must meet local, state, federal building codes and be board approved.
Williamsburg maintains the lawns & trees, common areas etc., but each resident is encouraged to keep their landscape, flowerbed areas well cared.
Williamsburg Towne Houses Cooperative (co-op) is a self-governing body; members set the rules, guidelines and limitations. Members are expected to read and follow the rules set forth. Members are also encouraged to become active with community events. Williamsburg Towne Houses thrives on the talents and ideas of our members. Our carrying charges are considerably less than rent or house payments because of the “gift” of the member who volunteers. Along with these things also comes a pride of ownership.
32115 Harper Ave.
St. Clair Shores, MI 48082
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